Earlier Swadeshi and Boycott movements
Earlier Swadeshi and Boycott movements were started in India when the East India Company was leaching our wealth by destroying the domestic industries and selling their own products here. Swadeshi focused on the consumption of self produced goods and Boycott focused on abstaining from using or buying foreign goods with an aim to uproot the British empire and make India self-sufficient by the revival of indigenous industries.Todays need
:Today though the East India Company no longer exists in India, there are several foreign companies which are carrying on trade in India. After the liberalization and globalization policies of India, various foreign companies(eg. Pepsi, Coca Cola, IBM) came to India to make money and in the process destroyed the domestic industries and suppliers to monopolize the market. Now these companies are making crores of rupees and sending the money back to their parent concerns or their home countries in forms of royalties or profits.
Some of the biggest Multi National Companies(MNCs) in India are Hindustan Uniliver Ltd.(HUL, A subsidiary of UK’s Unilever), Pepsi, Coca-cola, IBM, Indian Tobacco Company(ITC, a subsidiary of American Tobacco Company). These companies buy raw materials from India, make Indians make the product/services and sell the final product to Indians, making a huge amount of profit in between and taking that out of India. Thus due to the absence of domestic players money goes out of India. Also these companies are invited by corrupt government officials/bureaucrats on the basis that they bring capital, employment, technology to India and increase Indian exports which is a white lie.
Thus the time has arrived to restart the Swadeshi and Boycott movements to protect India from these companies which are trying to weaken India’s economy. You can read the list of Swadeshi and Foreign products/brands and start purchasing swadeshi products instead of foreign goods to protest against these foreign companies and to make India economically stronger.